This post contains affiliate links.
Have you ever just gotten a hold of something, started enjoying the heck out of it and realized THIS IS INCREDIBLE!? This post is about a handful of awesome things that we're loving lately. I've asked Pirate for some help making this list. Without further ado, here are the things that our family is loving lately!Remember, if the words are underlined and light up in a different color, it's an affiliate link - you can use it to jump on over to Amazon and check the product out!
1. Descendants
Oh, we cannot get enough of this movie here! Ask my six year old, and she will tell you that it's the best thing going. The villains from our favorite stories have all been rounded up and banished to their own island; but this isn't their story. It's the story of their children. The son of Belle and the Beast is about to become king and his first royal proclamation is to give the children of the evil villains a chance at a normal life.
Songs. Magic spells. Friendship. Mischief. It's a lot of fun. Pirate and I watch it almost every Friday night when we have our Girls Night.
2. Springtime
This weather cannot be purchased, I know! But we would be liars if we didn't tell you that this has been something that we are LOVING it! Loving it with big hearts and dramatic emojis. Fresh air, sunshine and mud are all so good for us. We could just soak up that vitamin D all day long. Even the rain has been fun. As April showers bring May flowers, my girls and I have a love for playing in the rain and splashing in the water.
3. Our Frozen bottle -aka- Zak! Designs Water Bottle (25 oz)
I struggle with making myself drink enough water, but this makes it seem less daunting. It sounds crazy that a bottle would make a difference, and maybe it's the design, but it makes staying hydrated less of a chore. Even Tootsie Roll is a fan. She did make a bit of a mess, but not bad for a one year old! You can find several other designs for this 25 oz. bottle on Amazon.
Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial
4. Intex Snapset Pool
Our girls got this little pool as an Easter present! Super fun! It was easy to set up and easy to drain. I'll let the pictures tell the rest.
Can't wait until summer! We're going to be using this like crazy!
5. Fishing!
Pirate and Mr. Incredible have taken to the lake. Fishing is their new favorite daddy-daughter pastime. And much to my dismay, they've actually brought a few home! There's nothing quite like the lingering smell of fish to make your house feel cozy! (Okay, it wasn't that bad. I just don't do fish - but that's a another story for another time!)
As always, don't forget to check us out on Facebook, and come back here for more!
Stuff We're Lovin' Right Now: Week 1
Wednesday, April 26, 2017 • amazon, descendants, family, fishing, happy kids, kids, outside, pool, quality time, series, springtime, stuff we're loving, stuff we're loving right now, water bottle, zak!
This post contains affiliate links.
Have you ever just gotten a hold of something, started enjoying the heck out of it and realized THIS IS INCREDIBLE!? This post is about a handful of awesome things that we're loving lately. I've asked Pirate for some help making this list. Without further ado, here are the things that our family is loving lately!Remember, if the words are underlined and light up in a different color, it's an affiliate link - you can use it to jump on over to Amazon and check the product out!
1. Descendants
Oh, we cannot get enough of this movie here! Ask my six year old, and she will tell you that it's the best thing going. The villains from our favorite stories have all been rounded up and banished to their own island; but this isn't their story. It's the story of their children. The son of Belle and the Beast is about to become king and his first royal proclamation is to give the children of the evil villains a chance at a normal life.
Songs. Magic spells. Friendship. Mischief. It's a lot of fun. Pirate and I watch it almost every Friday night when we have our Girls Night.
2. Springtime
This weather cannot be purchased, I know! But we would be liars if we didn't tell you that this has been something that we are LOVING it! Loving it with big hearts and dramatic emojis. Fresh air, sunshine and mud are all so good for us. We could just soak up that vitamin D all day long. Even the rain has been fun. As April showers bring May flowers, my girls and I have a love for playing in the rain and splashing in the water.
3. Our Frozen bottle -aka- Zak! Designs Water Bottle (25 oz)
I struggle with making myself drink enough water, but this makes it seem less daunting. It sounds crazy that a bottle would make a difference, and maybe it's the design, but it makes staying hydrated less of a chore. Even Tootsie Roll is a fan. She did make a bit of a mess, but not bad for a one year old! You can find several other designs for this 25 oz. bottle on Amazon.
Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial
4. Intex Snapset Pool
Our girls got this little pool as an Easter present! Super fun! It was easy to set up and easy to drain. I'll let the pictures tell the rest.
Can't wait until summer! We're going to be using this like crazy!
5. Fishing!
Pirate and Mr. Incredible have taken to the lake. Fishing is their new favorite daddy-daughter pastime. And much to my dismay, they've actually brought a few home! There's nothing quite like the lingering smell of fish to make your house feel cozy! (Okay, it wasn't that bad. I just don't do fish - but that's a another story for another time!)
As always, don't forget to check us out on Facebook, and come back here for more!
This post contains affiliate links.

Amazon Prime box. We live for these boxes, they always hold such treasure. And with free shipping to boot!
I don't know if you know it, but my husband is one of the trendy beardlovin' men of today. And while he's never been the completely clean-shaven type, the beard has been an adjustment for me. I like to think I'm a cool wife. So imagine my face when I turned the corner a few weeks ago, and saw him brushing his beard with my hairbrush. Oh, I was all kinds of amused.
Something had to be done.
Behold, the Beard Comb!
made and sold by: Gentlemen's Tools
You can click above, or right here, to see this product on Amazon.
made and sold by: Gentlemen's Tools
You can click above, or right here, to see this product on Amazon.
The following is Mr. Incredible's Review:

Can't seem to say it enough, it's really well made."
I will add that this comb seems to be backed by awesomeness. This comes from their product page on Amazon:
"Your purchase will be backed by a LIFETIME No-Hassle Free Replacement Guarantee! We want you to be 100% HAPPY so if there is an issue with your product for any reason we will Refund you." So, there's that!
And there you have it. A quick and easy gift for the bearded man in your life. While I clearly have no beard experience, I can honestly say that he hasn't been caught using my hairbrush since this sweet little comb showed up; and he's taken it everywhere with him. To me, that makes this comb legit!
What did you think? Anything else you want to see Mr. Incredible try and review? What's your go-to quick gift for the people in your life? Leave us a comment below.
I will add that this comb seems to be backed by awesomeness. This comes from their product page on Amazon:
"Your purchase will be backed by a LIFETIME No-Hassle Free Replacement Guarantee! We want you to be 100% HAPPY so if there is an issue with your product for any reason we will Refund you." So, there's that!
What did you think? Anything else you want to see Mr. Incredible try and review? What's your go-to quick gift for the people in your life? Leave us a comment below.
Husband Review: Awesome Wooden Beard Comb
Saturday, April 22, 2017 • amazon, beard, beard comb, cheap, Gentlemens Tools, gifts, husband gift, husband review, man gift, Mr. Incredible
This post contains affiliate links.

Amazon Prime box. We live for these boxes, they always hold such treasure. And with free shipping to boot!
I don't know if you know it, but my husband is one of the trendy beardlovin' men of today. And while he's never been the completely clean-shaven type, the beard has been an adjustment for me. I like to think I'm a cool wife. So imagine my face when I turned the corner a few weeks ago, and saw him brushing his beard with my hairbrush. Oh, I was all kinds of amused.
Something had to be done.
Behold, the Beard Comb!
made and sold by: Gentlemen's Tools
You can click above, or right here, to see this product on Amazon.
made and sold by: Gentlemen's Tools
You can click above, or right here, to see this product on Amazon.
The following is Mr. Incredible's Review:

Can't seem to say it enough, it's really well made."
I will add that this comb seems to be backed by awesomeness. This comes from their product page on Amazon:
"Your purchase will be backed by a LIFETIME No-Hassle Free Replacement Guarantee! We want you to be 100% HAPPY so if there is an issue with your product for any reason we will Refund you." So, there's that!
And there you have it. A quick and easy gift for the bearded man in your life. While I clearly have no beard experience, I can honestly say that he hasn't been caught using my hairbrush since this sweet little comb showed up; and he's taken it everywhere with him. To me, that makes this comb legit!
What did you think? Anything else you want to see Mr. Incredible try and review? What's your go-to quick gift for the people in your life? Leave us a comment below.
I will add that this comb seems to be backed by awesomeness. This comes from their product page on Amazon:
"Your purchase will be backed by a LIFETIME No-Hassle Free Replacement Guarantee! We want you to be 100% HAPPY so if there is an issue with your product for any reason we will Refund you." So, there's that!
What did you think? Anything else you want to see Mr. Incredible try and review? What's your go-to quick gift for the people in your life? Leave us a comment below.

You guys, they must've seen me a mile away. I jumped on this holiday like crazy woman! I got what I needed from the grocery store to make Homemade Raspberry Danish. I've had a love affair with Entenmann's danishes for as long as I can remember. And when Google dropped a copycat recipe in my lap, I could practically taste it. WE HAD TO MAKE IT.

For us, National Coffee Cake Day simply transformed into Coffee Cake Weekend!
Anything celebrated well should be documented well! Or so says, mama paparazzi! Here are some pics of us making and enjoying our weekend with our Homemade Raspberry Danish.
Our National Coffee Cake Raspberry Danish Day Weekend

(bottom left) My poor sick one year old, Tootsie Roll, woke up from her nap and needed to lend a helping hand.
(bottom right) And here it is, in all its yumminess, our Homemade Raspberry Danish! And, that's it! Hope you enjoyed National Coffee Cake Day.
Leave us a comment below, we'd love to hear from you! Do you get any Coffee Cake or Danish on Friday? What's your favorite sweet?
As always, follow us on Facebook, tweet at us on Twitter, and check out our Instagram!
#CaffeinatedMelly #CalebrateEveryday #NationalCoffeeCakeDay
Have Your Cake & Coffee, Too!
Monday, April 10, 2017 • celebrate every day, coffee, homemade, National Coffee Cake Day, Raspberry Danish, series

You guys, they must've seen me a mile away. I jumped on this holiday like crazy woman! I got what I needed from the grocery store to make Homemade Raspberry Danish. I've had a love affair with Entenmann's danishes for as long as I can remember. And when Google dropped a copycat recipe in my lap, I could practically taste it. WE HAD TO MAKE IT.

For us, National Coffee Cake Day simply transformed into Coffee Cake Weekend!
Anything celebrated well should be documented well! Or so says, mama paparazzi! Here are some pics of us making and enjoying our weekend with our Homemade Raspberry Danish.
Our National Coffee Cake Raspberry Danish Day Weekend

(bottom left) My poor sick one year old, Tootsie Roll, woke up from her nap and needed to lend a helping hand.
(bottom right) And here it is, in all its yumminess, our Homemade Raspberry Danish! And, that's it! Hope you enjoyed National Coffee Cake Day.
Leave us a comment below, we'd love to hear from you! Do you get any Coffee Cake or Danish on Friday? What's your favorite sweet?
As always, follow us on Facebook, tweet at us on Twitter, and check out our Instagram!
#CaffeinatedMelly #CalebrateEveryday #NationalCoffeeCakeDay
This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my (Dollar Store & Amazon) links.
We have had quite the weather lately.It will be sunny and glorious one day, and then BAM! the heavens open with rain and thunder. Weather woes light up the Facebook news feed and the power flickers.
Yesterday was one of those beautiful days. Today, not so much. Yesterday, we played in the water and the mud. Today would be a good day for Benjamin Franklin to learn something shocking.
So what do we do when the weather gets nasty, and we're stuck inside? What do we do when we're not certain the power (read: Netflix and lights) will stay on?
I'm glad you asked!
I've rounded up a list of 5 (non-emergency) things we like to keep on-hand during bad weather and power outages! These are things that have saved our sanity and kept the fun going. These may be actual items or just a fun idea. Either way, Mom & Dad have gone from zero to hero with this list!
But first, I need to say it. Always be mindful of your weather and safety! Safety first, always. Make good decisions. For realz.
FIVE Things We Keep On-Hand in Bad Weather
-aka- Rainy Day Game Changers
1. Glow SticksWhen the power goes out, nothing makes you question your environment (and your family's headcount) quite like not being able to see anyone in the dark. We can grab a pack of glow sticks at Dollar Tree. Pirate is a huge fan of glow sticks, they make life fun! I like that, in most cases, they're safer around kids than candles. I mean, don't be crazy. Don't microwave them or bite them! 😜 They've got a few different styles to choose from at Dollar Tree: bracelets, necklaces, even swords! We like this style of glow sticks for power outages!
By the way, if there's still life in your glow stick after the power comes back on, stick it in the freezer until next time! We've had glow sticks last for multiple uses this way!

A few weeks ago, Pirate and I roasted some marshmallows at the kitchen table. You can see our post about it here! So much fun. Lots of yumminess. Lots of smiles. It's not your everyday activity. And, the best part, NO ELECTRICITY required! Perfect for the rainy power outage!
3. Board Game

4. Charged Mobile Devices
Charged devices are key! Sometimes nothing will soothe my child as well as her favorite show! It's hard to freak out over the lightening when your hypnotized by Elsa singing your jam! Did you know that there are some movies on Netflix that you can download onto your mobile devices to watch without internet? Score!
Not to mention, Pirate will happily spend hours on my phone playing her favorite games: Tom the Cat, that one Pet Rescue game, or the emergency doctor game where she performs surgeries and c-sections! (I'm being 100% real on that!)*ick*
5. Books
How could I make a list like this without including books?! These are some awesome thing that don't need electricity, don't crash, and don't need to be charged! Yes, I'm being sassy on this one. But for real, grab a flashlight and your favorite book! Our favorite book right now is Elsie's Endless Wait. You guys! It's so good. We are only in chapter three, but I cannot get over how uplifting and God glorifying this children's book is. Elsie is an eight year old little girl, who has never felt loved or been treated fairly. She is picked on and would every excuse to repay evil with evil, but instead she shows kindness and patience and the love that only comes from her Savior. On every page, we see her faith lived out. It is wonderful.
And that's our list! I hope your weather is gorgeous, but if it isn't, I hope you find this list useful! Don't forget to leave us a comment below, what do you do when the power goes out?
As a bonus, I want to see Mr. Incredible produce a tasty cup of coffee without electricity! Anyone else? He's an Eagle Scout, I might add! Add a comment below if you want to see him do it! Tweet us @caffein8edmelly with #NoPowerCoffeeChallenge ☕☕☕
Don't miss a post, subscribe to this blog at the top of this page! Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, and now on Instagram!
Note: Please, always take proper safety precautions and more than common sense when using candles, lighters, fire, anything hot, anything dangerous, or anything I haven't thought of! Everything in this post took place under responsible, alert, and sober adult supervision. Seriously, make smart decisions. Future you will thank you!
Bad Weather & Happy Kids
Friday, April 7, 2017 • bad weather, books, five things, fun, game night, happy kids, indoor fun, inside, marshmallows, mini campfire, mommy blogger, quality time, things to do, toddler mom
This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my (Dollar Store & Amazon) links.
We have had quite the weather lately.It will be sunny and glorious one day, and then BAM! the heavens open with rain and thunder. Weather woes light up the Facebook news feed and the power flickers.
Yesterday was one of those beautiful days. Today, not so much. Yesterday, we played in the water and the mud. Today would be a good day for Benjamin Franklin to learn something shocking.
So what do we do when the weather gets nasty, and we're stuck inside? What do we do when we're not certain the power (read: Netflix and lights) will stay on?
I'm glad you asked!
I've rounded up a list of 5 (non-emergency) things we like to keep on-hand during bad weather and power outages! These are things that have saved our sanity and kept the fun going. These may be actual items or just a fun idea. Either way, Mom & Dad have gone from zero to hero with this list!
But first, I need to say it. Always be mindful of your weather and safety! Safety first, always. Make good decisions. For realz.
FIVE Things We Keep On-Hand in Bad Weather
-aka- Rainy Day Game Changers
1. Glow SticksWhen the power goes out, nothing makes you question your environment (and your family's headcount) quite like not being able to see anyone in the dark. We can grab a pack of glow sticks at Dollar Tree. Pirate is a huge fan of glow sticks, they make life fun! I like that, in most cases, they're safer around kids than candles. I mean, don't be crazy. Don't microwave them or bite them! 😜 They've got a few different styles to choose from at Dollar Tree: bracelets, necklaces, even swords! We like this style of glow sticks for power outages!
By the way, if there's still life in your glow stick after the power comes back on, stick it in the freezer until next time! We've had glow sticks last for multiple uses this way!

A few weeks ago, Pirate and I roasted some marshmallows at the kitchen table. You can see our post about it here! So much fun. Lots of yumminess. Lots of smiles. It's not your everyday activity. And, the best part, NO ELECTRICITY required! Perfect for the rainy power outage!
3. Board Game

4. Charged Mobile Devices
Charged devices are key! Sometimes nothing will soothe my child as well as her favorite show! It's hard to freak out over the lightening when your hypnotized by Elsa singing your jam! Did you know that there are some movies on Netflix that you can download onto your mobile devices to watch without internet? Score!
Not to mention, Pirate will happily spend hours on my phone playing her favorite games: Tom the Cat, that one Pet Rescue game, or the emergency doctor game where she performs surgeries and c-sections! (I'm being 100% real on that!)*ick*
5. Books
How could I make a list like this without including books?! These are some awesome thing that don't need electricity, don't crash, and don't need to be charged! Yes, I'm being sassy on this one. But for real, grab a flashlight and your favorite book! Our favorite book right now is Elsie's Endless Wait. You guys! It's so good. We are only in chapter three, but I cannot get over how uplifting and God glorifying this children's book is. Elsie is an eight year old little girl, who has never felt loved or been treated fairly. She is picked on and would every excuse to repay evil with evil, but instead she shows kindness and patience and the love that only comes from her Savior. On every page, we see her faith lived out. It is wonderful.
And that's our list! I hope your weather is gorgeous, but if it isn't, I hope you find this list useful! Don't forget to leave us a comment below, what do you do when the power goes out?
As a bonus, I want to see Mr. Incredible produce a tasty cup of coffee without electricity! Anyone else? He's an Eagle Scout, I might add! Add a comment below if you want to see him do it! Tweet us @caffein8edmelly with #NoPowerCoffeeChallenge ☕☕☕
Don't miss a post, subscribe to this blog at the top of this page! Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, and now on Instagram!
Note: Please, always take proper safety precautions and more than common sense when using candles, lighters, fire, anything hot, anything dangerous, or anything I haven't thought of! Everything in this post took place under responsible, alert, and sober adult supervision. Seriously, make smart decisions. Future you will thank you!
Spring is finally here. The days are longer and warmer.
We are loving the outside world.
The trees. The sunshine. The birds. The bugs. Even the bees and wasps buzz around with the promise of summer.

Tootsie Roll loves getting to splish and splash this year. She is so excited to just discover every single thing. And Pirate? She discovered something cool. She was playing with the water hose, running one of her obstacle courses and cooling off when we looked up and saw a rainbow!

And that's what we've been into this week. I know this isn't our typical post, but we've been a bit distracted by all things spring.
Leave us a comment, how are you enjoying your weather? Has spring sprung? Did you find a rainbow today?
As always, find us on FB and Instagram! Come back for more!
Springtime, Coffee & Rainbows
Monday, April 3, 2017 • celebrate, celebrate every day, coffee maker, family friday, fun, mommy blogger, national find a rainbow day, outside, play, rainbow, spring, sunshine, toddler mom, water fun
Spring is finally here. The days are longer and warmer.
We are loving the outside world.
The trees. The sunshine. The birds. The bugs. Even the bees and wasps buzz around with the promise of summer.

Tootsie Roll loves getting to splish and splash this year. She is so excited to just discover every single thing. And Pirate? She discovered something cool. She was playing with the water hose, running one of her obstacle courses and cooling off when we looked up and saw a rainbow!

And that's what we've been into this week. I know this isn't our typical post, but we've been a bit distracted by all things spring.
Leave us a comment, how are you enjoying your weather? Has spring sprung? Did you find a rainbow today?
As always, find us on FB and Instagram! Come back for more!
It's peanut butter jelly time!
In case you didn't know, today is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day! I don't know about you, but the good ol' PB & J was certainly a staple of my childhood.
But how did I know of this spectacular holiday? I discovered National Holiday Calander! Oh, it's fun. Yay, for something for almost every day of the year!
But how did I know of this spectacular holiday? I discovered National Holiday Calander! Oh, it's fun. Yay, for something for almost every day of the year!
In preparation for this yummy holiday, I learned a few things. The typical American kid will have consumed about 1,500 of these sandwich masterpieces by the time they graduate high school. Also, a recipe for the Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich first appeared in Good Housekeeping magazine in 1896. Wow! (These fun little factoids were found in this Wikipedia article!)
Today, Pirate and I want to share our own take on the peanut butter and jelly with you.
Behold, the Peanut Butter & Jelly Quesadilla!
It's everything you've dreamed of in a pb&j, but it's snug in a warm, crunchy quesadilla.
It's everything you've dreamed of in a pb&j, but it's snug in a warm, crunchy quesadilla.
What you will need:
-peanut butter
You guys! This is so simple.
First, you're going to grab a tortilla and something to spread your peanut butter and jelly with.
Spread peanut butter on one side of your tortilla, and jelly on the other side.
Fold the tortilla, smashing the pb & j together.
Spread peanut butter on one side of your tortilla, and jelly on the other side.
Fold the tortilla, smashing the pb & j together.
Throw some butter in the pan.
Don't burn your tongue off, remember that it just came off the stove.
Be careful.
Once it's cooled and safe to eat, dig in and enjoy!
This is one of our favorites! Something about the warm PB & J and the crunchy quesadilla... mmmmm! I can't explain why it's so great. It just is.
Tell me, do you like Peanut Butter & Jelly? Have you ever heard of this PB&J Day? Leave us a comment!
As always, come find us on FB at Caffeinated Melly! We're on instagram now, too - also @ CaffeinatedMelly!
#PeanutButterJellyDay #CaffeinatedMelly #CelebrateEveryDay
NOTE: Always be safe, use good and sober judgment when using the stove, knives, or any thing I have yet to think of! Good adult supervision is always advised. Make smart decisions, future you will thank you.
Happy National PB&J Day!
Sunday, April 2, 2017 • celebrate, celebrate every day, holiday, national pb & j, pbj, peanut butter, peanut butter jelly day, peanut butter quesadilla, recipe, under $5
It's peanut butter jelly time!
In case you didn't know, today is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day! I don't know about you, but the good ol' PB & J was certainly a staple of my childhood.
But how did I know of this spectacular holiday? I discovered National Holiday Calander! Oh, it's fun. Yay, for something for almost every day of the year!
But how did I know of this spectacular holiday? I discovered National Holiday Calander! Oh, it's fun. Yay, for something for almost every day of the year!
In preparation for this yummy holiday, I learned a few things. The typical American kid will have consumed about 1,500 of these sandwich masterpieces by the time they graduate high school. Also, a recipe for the Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich first appeared in Good Housekeeping magazine in 1896. Wow! (These fun little factoids were found in this Wikipedia article!)
Today, Pirate and I want to share our own take on the peanut butter and jelly with you.
Behold, the Peanut Butter & Jelly Quesadilla!
It's everything you've dreamed of in a pb&j, but it's snug in a warm, crunchy quesadilla.
It's everything you've dreamed of in a pb&j, but it's snug in a warm, crunchy quesadilla.
What you will need:
-peanut butter
You guys! This is so simple.
First, you're going to grab a tortilla and something to spread your peanut butter and jelly with.
Spread peanut butter on one side of your tortilla, and jelly on the other side.
Fold the tortilla, smashing the pb & j together.
Spread peanut butter on one side of your tortilla, and jelly on the other side.
Fold the tortilla, smashing the pb & j together.
Throw some butter in the pan.
Don't burn your tongue off, remember that it just came off the stove.
Be careful.
Once it's cooled and safe to eat, dig in and enjoy!
This is one of our favorites! Something about the warm PB & J and the crunchy quesadilla... mmmmm! I can't explain why it's so great. It just is.
Tell me, do you like Peanut Butter & Jelly? Have you ever heard of this PB&J Day? Leave us a comment!
As always, come find us on FB at Caffeinated Melly! We're on instagram now, too - also @ CaffeinatedMelly!
#PeanutButterJellyDay #CaffeinatedMelly #CelebrateEveryDay
NOTE: Always be safe, use good and sober judgment when using the stove, knives, or any thing I have yet to think of! Good adult supervision is always advised. Make smart decisions, future you will thank you.
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