School of Mommy

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Parenting:  someone should really write a book about it!
I'm going to sound cliche for a moment, forgive me. I've learned more things in the last 22 months than I have in my entire life. I'm not talking about quantity of new facts - though I could probably make a decent argument for that as well - but I mean real, hearty, and significant details that are necessary for daily life. It's amazing the extra compartment that God has given my mind to store all the random Pirate-related items.

1. Don't leave the coffee cup unattended or within Pirate's reach. Also, Pirate's reach is ALWAYS much higher than you think it is.

2. Messes are easier to clean up than hurt feelings. Even when it's flour. 

3. Other people will have opinions and they will outnumber you. At times, it will be overwhelming and frustrating. I've learned the hard way that I should handle their well-intentioned concerns and opinions with more grace and tact then oozing wrath and adrenaline.   

 4. Sometimes you have to just cry it out. Things will get better.

5. Equal rights for all persons. Even bears. 

 6. "Welcome to parenthood, children will scare the crap out of you" - my mom. I think that's a mostly accurate quote, I did just have a c-section. I don't know if you can tell, but Pirate is a fearless froggie at the top of the stairs.

7. IF YOU WAKE HER, YOU WILL NOT PASS GO OR COLLECT $200. Yes, that's her big-girl car seat strapped into a high chair.

8. The park is not called a park. It's called "WEEEEEEEEE!!!"

9. I'm not Pirate's favorite parent if Daddy's home, and I can't take that personally. It's really a beautiful thing.

10. Let her help! It makes her feel special and big. She loves it.

11. Give her big smooches, it helps prepare her for the embarrassing teenage years when I give her hugs and kisses in front of her friends!

12. Sinful nature is not a myth. I have little teeth marks in my arm to prove it.

13. Don't fall asleep on the couch when she has crayons and a blank wall.

14. I have to stick up for Pirate - sometimes I'll come off as crazy and overprotective. Even people who love her immensely won't necessarily see things the same way that I do, and that's OK. But I have to be ready, should the situation arise, to give my daughter what she needs - whether that's a nap, some quiet time away from the chaos, or something completely different.

15. She grows WAY TOO QUICKLY! She'll be two in October. That's craziness.

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